
O.B.I. embraces the idea of healthy living and protection of the environment in our projects, our office and our overall operations. Our general good building practices encompass careful use of our resources by reducing, re-using and recycling. For example, we encourage the use of solar technology and rain water harvesting by offering incentives for the installation of these technologies by not assessing our builder’s fee on these scopes of work. 

We can build sustainable projects by:

  • Reusing salvageable materials during the deconstruction process

  • Sourcing FSC-certified, engineered and reclaimed materials

  • Changing concrete mix design to minimize off-gassing

  • Protecting job site air quality

  • Using no or low VOC paints, stains, clear finishes, adhesives and sealers

  • Providing eco-friendly alternatives for home insulation

  • Encouraging the use of energy efficient heating, cooling and power systems

  • Encouraging the use of LED and fluorescent lighting

  • Installing energy-efficient appliances, windows, toilets and other fixtures

We continually learn and execute green building practices by: 

  • Providing continuing education to our employees regarding sustainable building practices

  • Obtaining information from our suppliers on the newest, eco-friendly products

  • Aggressively encouraging our subcontractors and vendors to provide sustainable alternatives

  • Using local vendors to minimize carbon footprint

  • Providing all projects with computers to minimize paper waste

  • Recycling on site and in office

  • Encouraging everyone to be mindful of waste